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The District is required to provide a Structured English Immersion (SEI) program option. Parents of English learners have a right at any time during the school year to decline or opt their child out of the District’s language acquisition program or opt out of English learner service(s) within a language acquisition program (20 U.S.C Section 6318[c][A][vii]). However, the District remains obligated to provide the student meaningful instruction (5 CCR Section 11302) until the student is reclassified, inform the parent when progress is not made, and offer the parent programs and services to consider at that time.


If you wish to request your child be placed in a language acquisition program other than the Structured English Immersion (SEI) Program, or if you wish to decline or opt your child out of the District’s language acquisition program or opt out of English learner service(s) within a language acquisition program please contact the District at 661-845-3713 for information regarding the process.


A description of the language acquisition programs provided in the District are listed below.

  • Structured English Immersion (SEI) Program: A language acquisition program for English learner in which nearly all classroom instruction is provided in English, but with curriculum and a presentation designed for pupils who are learning English. At minimum, students are offered ELD and access to grade level academic subject matter content.
  • Developmental Bilingual Program: Language acquisition program for English learners that provides instruction to pupils utilizing English and a pupil’s native language for literacy and academic instruction, enabling an English learner to achieve language proficiency and meet state academic achievement goals. This program begins in TK/K and continues with the goal of biliteracy to sixth grade.
  • Heritage Language Program: Language acquisition program for English learners that provides instruction to pupils utilizing English and a pupil’s native language for literacy and academic instruction, enabling non-English speakers or students who have weak literacy skills in their native language to achieve language proficiency and meet academic achievement goals. This program is designed for grades 6-8.

Parents may provide input regarding language acquisition programs during the development of the Local Control Accountability Plan. If you are interested in a different program from those listed above, please contact the District to ask about the process.

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